All my reviews are gone from Amazon, anyone else?

My Amazon account has had all of it’s reviews removed… again. I started this account in December after my previous account had reviewing privileges revoked because of incentivized reviews (Amazon sellers contacting me for reviews). Since Amazon shut me down last year I have only reviewed items that I have purchased on Amazon or Items that I have obtained outside of Amazon entirely (from Anker and some other Power User type programs). I have not manipulated the ‘verified purchase’ badge and Amazon allows a certain number of non-verified purchase reviews each week.

But alas, Amazon has decided that even though I have not broken any rules whatsoever that my reviews should be suppressed. :frowning: It is a sad day, indeed.

I’m an active Amazon user, and a Vine Voice here in Canada, and I’m here to tell the Vine haters that we are not immune to this problem either. The majority of the top 100 reviewers in Canada have had their reviews taken down, and their review privileges revoked, and I imagine their Vine status as well. I’m basing the last part off of the fact that my account was recently under review, which they mentioned on my Vine queue page, which leads me to believe just did their own “purge”, as did last year. Luckily, because I’ve always followed the rules, and removed all my “free product” type reviews myself when the rules changed and then stopped taking them, I kept all my reviews and my Vine status. Amazon knows very well that sellers have been offering PayPal refunds to reviewers, and are not taking it lying down. It’s even worse than before with the compensation, since you could buy the product, review it, get your money back, then return it to Amazon for a full refund in addition. That is ACTUALLY compensated reviews, since you get the money and the product, or twice the money and no product. Since people can essentially be truly PAID to do it now, it only makes sense for Amazon to nip that in the bud, as it would mostly only negatively effect things, and is extremely unlikely to have a positive effect.
To say that Vine Voices are immune is not true, as they are being purged along with other people suspected of breaking the rules. I agree with the criticism of many Vine reviews which are phoned in though. That being said, a lot of Vine stuff is difficult to do in depth reviews of. Things like soap and cleaning chemicals, there’s only so much that there is to say about them. More technical and complicated devices and items deserve in depth, technical reviews, and I personally always try to give them, and I believe a lot of other Vine members do too (though obviously not all).

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Word of caution to anyone that would try this, Amazon only allows 50 lifetime returns through their A to Z return policy and although that may seem like a lot try ordering a few clothing items a year …that will add up real quick. Returns are bound to happen when ordering something sight unseen.

I am not necessarily a vine hater, more like jealous!

Thinking back I always thought that I would have and should have got a warning email or at least a notice of changes to the policy as I was a Prime member. My only way of knowing was through rumors and never through factual statements.

Sorry to hear that @thetonyclay

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I appreciate that. I am now waiting for someone to get back with me via email, but it will likely be the same as it was last year, “our decision is final… too bad, blah blah blah.”

The frustrating thing is, I learned my lesson and found out the hard way that what I was doing was against the rules. Since then I have been straight-laced and well behaved, so what gives?

I have verified my account and fortunately I have not had the same problem.

My guess would be that they found a connection between your old account and your new account. But sorry to hear that… it’s a shame when all your hard work goes “poof” when Amazon deletes your reviews.


Didn’t want to start a new thread for this but I just put a review on Amazon UK & US for the iPhone SE screen protector but it only allows me to upload 1 photo. This is the same via safari or the App.

Anyone else experiencing this?
I’ve seen other reviews for the same item with multiple photos :smirk:

Is it only allowing 1 photo to be uploaded, or only showing 1 photo from multiple? I’ve had the latter on several reviews, upload a bunch but once Amazon clear the review to go on their site, there might only be 2-3 from 7-8 uploaded. Normally an email to their review team sorts it out but it can take 2-3 days for a response…

It would only let me upload one but once I had the email to say my review was live. I could hit the link, edit the review and add the other photos :thumbsup:

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Just recently got all my reviews removed.

Noooooooooo :angry:

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Not good buddy :thumbsdown:

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Sorry to hear that, @joshuad11, but you still have your awesome YouTube channel!


I remember we were discussing about the AMAZON review policy.
This was 1/2 year ago.
At this time for me first it was not possible to write a review for a pb (as a not verified purchase) and after when I was “allowed” to write one this it was deleted at
BUT fortunately ONLY this one.

But now all works fine.
May be they changed the behavior at
I don’t know if you will ever get a satisfying answer when you want to know the reason why. :angry:


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I believe they are targeting us. Lol. I had my reviews removed a second time after creating a new account. At no point did I accept gift cards or PayPal refunds in exchange for reviews, but they know we get a lot of items for free so they believe we are biased reviewers.

Honestly, my personal investment in Anker actually makes me somewhat harsher on them than I think I would be ordinarily. I’m certainly feeding anyone any fluffy falsely positive review on any of Anker’s products (or anyone else for that matter).


Another idea:

Do you think that ANKER has employed some kind of black sheep, to write reviews.
I will be honest, I suppose I saw those reviews at
Those are writing some jubilances with not much content.
Not a sign of technical understanding : Only bla bla bla…
If there are too many of these, AMAZON might be acting more rigorously,

If really so, ANKER should “fire” those “useless PUs” immediately.
The whole PU- program would be only “paper waste” if they don’t,
as those who are doing their job seriously, will leave.


So far so good, but for the first time, I saw my helpful vote drop by one… :frowning:

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TO be fair to Amazon, getting free stuff to give a review is making bias.

Not stating every person is biased, but it increases the likelihood of bias.


Me too, especially on Micro USB :imp:

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