2018 Community Updates | Share Your Suggestions!

Sorry, I missed the detail about only having two votes. It kept letting me push buttons and I kept right on pushing…I think I ruined the survey, can we start a new one @AnkerOfficial lol. :joy:


I voted new release and giveaways, seems to be they are the highest choices :slight_smile:

I agree on the pre-release news. I think that’d be cool. :slight_smile:

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[quote=“bobbleheaderman, post:20, topic:58466, full:true”]
I think I ruined the survey, can we start a new one @AnkerOfficial lol. :joy:[/quote]
Sheesh, I think I ruined it too…:rolling_eyes:

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I don’t know that this fit anywhere into the poll options, but I like the educational posts like @ankertechnical has been doing. That USB-C explainer was really useful.


:point_up: This is why we can’t have nice things. :laughing:


Poll function has a maximum. Blame the person who created the poll.

And, no, don’t ask how we do polls.

How is it that you do polls again? I have very short-term memory. :wink:

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I like the polls as it surprises me, its odd how anecdotal impressions are so easily off what people actually think.

However in this case the poll seems to be showing what I expect, people are here to learn about new products and get discounts/prizes.

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I could have voted for about 87.5% of the poll (excluding other), basically everything bar, reviews.

Like everyone else, I think reviews should have its own dedicated section, people can look up.

As we tap/click the three lines top right for menu, perhaps one title could be REVIEWS (and same for when on main anker.com menu) and obvs, a hyperlink on the product concerned.

Perhaps when it.comes to beta products (as apposed to new released items) maybe they could have its own tab/menu listing, with discussion hyperlink.

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Yeah, we are planning this now!

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Good idea! We have made some testing videos! I will share with you as soon as possible.:grin:

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Yeah, the new community structure is being optimized!

Yes, the UI needs to be improved!

I just want to know that what kind of content you normally prefer?

I actually am one of the few that wants to hear about daily life as it gives me a little tidbit of knowledge about the other members. That in turn gives me a sense of trust or distrust when hearing about technical stuff from them. I always enjoy hearing about someone’s trip or someone’s camp or cooking or whatever. It is my secret away from my real life. Oh and I also like giveaways :wink:


I totally agree with what you wrote. The welcome City thing was really interesting for me. I mean some cities you knew before but you don’t know how the daily life is there.

I would like to see more of these topics

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Me too - these social topics often lead into interesting learning discussions as well.