1 Anker Login Kicks Out Another

Ever since the all-new Anker, I am having to resign in each time I switch devices, even when I check the remember me option. Is anyone else having this same issue? Is it intentional? Are the benefits significant enough to outweigh the sacrifices. Can we at least have the option to disable? Thanks.


I actually have the same problem. I just thought it was my browser refreshing itself. It can be quite annoying when on a mobile device. That’s why I try to only use the computer browser to go to Anker now. And that seems to be fine, where I don’t have to keep logging back in.


I have had that issue since I joined and I am using facebook login

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I have had this for months. I have 6 devices.

It’s always been this way as long as I can remember (logging in on a new device signs you out of the previous device). @joshuad11, did this just start happening to you?

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This has been happening to me since I joined. I thought it might have been my browser just clearing cache or something. I guess its a universal problem :slight_smile:

Same here as @TechnicallyWell , been that way for as long as I can remember.

Seems like standard website security to me. Allowing multiple device logins leaves open the possibility of unauthorized etc, such as if you lost you phone, stolen laptop or even a begrudged sibling :smile:

If you use Chrome you could always use Smart Lock to remember the password and/or save your login details in iCloud for quicker logon on iOS / MacOS devices.

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I have the same problem. thanks for the advice.