WiFi into electricity

There is no principle of physics that says physical laws or constants have to be the same everywhere and always.

So let’s take, say, the speed of light, a constant. You say within this universe it could alter? I accept it could be different in a multi-verse but quantum field theory says it would be a constant as everything is moving at a constant of space-time.

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The whole multiverse theory is an interesting one but I was talking about this universe.

Here’s my source.

I prefer to take nothing at face value and to always question everything.

Ok but bear in mind life on earth would also be affected by changed universal constants. So be careful what you wish for. For example most of the energy exchange going in life is chemistry which is electrons moving between atoms and molecules using solar energy as the “kick” to store chemical energy in food which mitocondria then release via ATP.

So if you tinker with the laws of physics, it will probably instantly kill all life on earth which evolved to thrive at the current physical constants. 99% of the universe is unihabitable as we live in that narrow band of water being liquid so, while I’m sure life would evolve differently in a different universe, or this universe at a different spot in the universe, we’d likely instantly die.

So yes Wifi might work but chances are none here would notice it… but say 14B years later the next form of life would just take it for granted.

I guess my point was that the speed of light used to be the speed limit for everything in the universe until we discovered neutrinos. So everything that we know to be fact today could be proven to be totally wrong tomorrow.

It was not that long ago that people knew for a fact that the Earth was flat and that they could sail over the side into the abyss.

No, nothing moves faster than speed of light, including neutrinos. Now then neutrinos used to be considered mass-less so they moved at the speed of light but we found that some neutrinos change type which meant they must have a mass (as at speed of light time stops so if something can change it must have a mass).

Please let me know what moves faster than light, if you meant that example in Italy it was traced to the fact that gravity was different and so they ran at different time dilation (gravity changes time dilation) and didn’t violate speed of light.

The issue is everything is moving at a constant space-time, so faster you get to c the slower your time til your time stops so its a hard limit.

In the case of Wifi it would tend to go in all directions so inverse-square so you’d have to bounce it to focus in a direction (parabolic dish) but then it simply begins diffracting and if you made it lower frequency to diffract less its lower energy, if you made it higher frequency it would tend to scatter more, so very hard to make a directional energy beam. We can make a high frequency focused beam but it is hazardous to life.

Probably more likely to happen first is simply better energy storage technology, better than Lithium so you last longer between wired (or very close Wireless) charges. The upper limit of stored energy density is nowhere physics limits its more a technology at a reasonable cost limit. So I think the problem of a flat phone and don’t want a wire will get solved chemically differently.

As to flat-earth it was known by many, the Eqyptians, Greeks, for example knew the earth was a sphere. It was mostly some of the most ignorant who thought it flat, but scientists knew it wasn’t for thousands of years. The earth’s size was pretty easily accurately sized by simply trigonometry on sticks at noon between distant sticks north/south.

A little busy right now but I’ll get back to you tonight or tomorrow morning.

I’m enjoying reading this debate :+1:t2:

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Yes, very interesting ! From my point of few, at the moment the status is 1:1 , maybe both are right …
Keep on !:ok_hand: