The Community Christmas Countdown | Seasons Greetings!

Congratulations @ryandhazen. Thats a great prize… i am sure you will love it.

Thank you @AnkerOfficial for all the community giveaways this year. Wish you and anker family merry christmas and a very happy new year.


Congrats @ryandhazen and huge kudos to @AnkerOfficial for the amazing giveaways they have run this year and over the Christmas hols :thumbsup:


Thank you for such a big giveaway this year!

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So what the competition this time?

Guess the competition?

OK well I think it is the first to say Betelgeuse 3 times.

Betelgeuse Betelgeuse Betelgeuse.

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Congrats @ryandhazen :clap:t2:

Nice Christmas Day treat :muscle:t2:

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This is the new competition

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Congrats @ryandhazen. Enjoy your goody. :slight_smile: And Merry Christmas to everyone. Have a happy and safe holiday. :slight_smile:

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Ahhh. I hope they let us select a prize so you’re told you’re one of 3000 then its first come first served from the items available. More likely then that the generosity of Anker goes to those with the greater need.


Merry Christmas @AnkerOfficial and all.

And congrats @ryandhazen


Wow!!! Congrats @ryandhazen !! :snowman::evergreen_tree:


Merry Christmas for all!!!


Yay!!! Thanks everyone! I hope you’re all having a wonderful holiday! I was having a great Christmas myself and this is just the icing on the cake.

And another event just around the corner… thanks @AnkerOfficial and all my forum friends. What a way to ring in the new year :grinning:


Yes, a nice quiet Christmas, and just the three of us (myself, Jane, and Molly the cat).

Molly had the most presents! She had a new toy, with a swinging :mouse2: and 7 magnets in the base, so it swings n swivels randomly.

We got a photo book from Jane’s daughter with lots of pics of Jane’s granddaughter in it.

Jane git me a t-shirt in my size (which is harder than you think in the UK, as I wear a XXXL top). Some shops say they do it, but the sizing is actually quite small… GGGRRR

I got Jane a bottle of perfume, which she really likes. I’m actually quite good at getting her perfume.

A big fat dinner

Which I slept off, while watching a Muppet Christmas Carol!

No booze for me yesterday, as I was taking my pain meds, due to having lots yesterday.

The dinner looks nice! :yum: Did you make it or Jane?

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Thanks for the fun contests!

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Jane did the main part, I assisted, and of course, the gravy is mine.

Do we all have an Auntie Bessie?

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@AnkerOfficial I am still waiting on this mystery box - any idea when it will arrive? I’m so excited about it!!!

So you still haven’t gotten the Liberty Lites?

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NO! Ive been looking for them every day and they never come :cry: