Speaker I can leave plugged in?

I need a small speaker for kitchen TV I can leave plugged in.

is any model better than another to leave plugged in all the time?

a soundbar is too large.

If you need a speaker for your TV and you plug it by jack plug
you need not a speaker with bluetooth.
Any simple speaker would do it.

I’m assuming that you mean that you want to leave the speaker plugged in and “on”. The soundcore flare has this ability.

I’m not sure any other Anker speakers that are able to do this without turning themselves off when the speaker is not receiving audio signal.

Maybe other users know of some speakers that are made by Anker/Soumdcore that also have this ability.

@AnkerTechnical @AnkerOfficial

@fhassm does the zero auto power off?

The soundcore flare is what I have. It would work well for this.

I have to check this!

Go spend some time with your lady. The test can wait.

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Oh crap!!! My Lady!!! I gotta get off of here :flushed:

Jesse. the Valentine is not much important here in Germany.
More imported than important.
When this holiday first showed up here I thought it was invented by the flower shops.

I’ve got a Flare plugged in to an Echo Dot permanently - works perfectly