Soundcore Liberty 2 - Macbook pro 2018 Wont connect - Please help iv'e tried everything

Hi all, thanks for the help.
I reset the earphones, and the Bluetooth on my mac, I’ve updated the firmware. cant seem to solve it, it sees only the right earphone, and just continues to show “connecting” it works on other devices, and the headphones still connect to my phone, cant seem to get this one resolved and its my main use!

Any thoughts?


I’m not too sure what the actual problem is. Is the macbook not connecting to Liberty 2 at all? Also, were they connecting earlier? Keep in mind that right earbud is the primary which connects to your macbook and left earbud (when both are out of the case)

Although I’m not familiar with macs… on windows base pc, the earbuds have two options for use.

Hands free audio - only uses right ear bud
Stereo - uses both w/o mic

I found the mic drops out with similar, using teams, so I use stereo setting and laptop mic.

Not sure if that will help, as you mentioned it’s not connecting?

Wondering if you OS has been updated to big sur? Is that the latest? I’ve seen some antidotal comments that in doing so, the users issues were resolved.

Perhaps a search of the community might yield the article… I’ll check

Found an old article for Catalina OS support… scroll down through to see if there is anything that may help

I’m going to check the soundcore community as well

Found a couple articles over soundcore way…

You’ll have a bit of reading to do, but hopefully these hold some clues / solutions.

Sorry couldn’t be more help.

Woooohh!! I found how to fix it! All You need just to switch in sound menu out (microphone) from liberty 2 pro to built-in microphone, and macbook will use your liberty like a “headphones”, no microphone. Just enjoy great sound=)