Soundcore 2 problem with play/pause and Bluetooth buttons

Well, I have a Soundcore 2 for almost 4 years, but I barely have used. A few days ago I tried to listen some music and noticed that the play/pause button was working like he was the Bluetooth button, when I click to play or pause the music, the Soundcore 2 disconnects from my phone and the LED starts to blinking like he was searching for a new device. I searched on internet and I didn’t find nothing about this problem, but in a promo site and in a YouTube video I found some people saying that they had the same problem. Is this a chronic problem of the SC2? Because I only saw compliments about it, what make me bought one. But to have a problem like this when I even don’t use so much my SC2 it’s disappointing.
Can this be a software issue or probably is something in the hardware?

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Hi @efernandew216,

It sounds like your Soundcore 2 might be experiencing a hardware issue, particularly if the play/pause button is triggering Bluetooth functions. While a factory reset might help, if the issue persists, it may require professional repair or replacement. Contact Soundcore support for further assistance.