Review of the anker flare mini

How do you know that it can’t permanently be outside if you don’t know how dust proof it is?

It could be dust proofed enough to be outside permanently…

I wrote it from my experience of using these speakers, for short period of time.

Answering to your questions of “permanently be outside” - that is outside of this discussion, will leave it to Anker Soundcore Team, who may wish to answer to it, for they need to test / certify the product.

You’re missing my point. You can’t simply “give your opinion” on how dust proof it is, since you haven’t properly tested it. Never mind :man_facepalming:

You’re missing my point as well :man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:.

When these are used outdoor, there is some element of dust which comes into play, whether or not the certification includes it. Again, leaving it to Anker Soundcore team to answer, if they may.

thanks for sharing your thoughts

Good job. Glad you love it

Nice review Alex! Thanks for sharing your review with us buddy. :ok_hand:t2:

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Awesome review!

Hi there

Great review!

Can I just double check something? Can you pair the Flare Mini with a Flare+ in True Wireless Stereo mode?

I’ve tried doing it with my Motion+ and my Flare Mini but no joy… Unless anyone else knows how you pair a Flare Mini with a Motion+…?

I’d be really interested to find out if you can pair 1x Flare Mini with 1x any other Flare speaker…

All the best


You can pair Flare Mini with Flare, and believe this can be paired with Flare+ as well.

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Awesome! Thank you so much for that.

In case you are planning your purchase for any of the Flare+ , then get the pairing question for Flare Mini with Flare+ checked with Soundcore Support to be on the safer side!

@AnkerOfficial @AnkerTechnical can you confirm this please.


Good Plan! Thanks! @AnkerTechnical What’s the score? Can I TWS a Flare Mini with a Flare+? Can’t do it with my Motion+ and Flare Mini but it seems like Flare Mini & Flare+ TWS might work…?

Many thanks for any advice.


The Flare Mini can be paired with Flare+ in TWS mode. But we don’t suggest you doing that, because they’re having different EQ and it can’t reach the best sound effect.

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Hi @AnkerOfficial

Many thanks for the advice, very helpful.
