PowerDraw Winner Anouncement (Weekly updates)

I hope it all goes well.

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@Tank I hope they get you that bionic leg you’ve always wanted. Make sure they use Anker batteries! Really hope all goes well


Thanks guys, i just cant wait to be able to drive and get back to work. This no paycheck sucks

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I just saw an ad for how to make 100k a year from your computer :rofl::flushed:

Good luck hope everything goes well will be praying for you

Should have gotten Aflac.

Im waiting to see if my short term Disability gets approved, so i at least can pay my bills .

If Aflac was offered at my job I would have it.

You mean to tell me, you’ve never won on power draw?

OMG :scream_cat:

I have mild petella wear, and medial meniscus problems.

Along with everything else, it’s a pain. I know I’m ok apart from stairs, and big steps or 5 step ladders, it’s when I step up/down and it locks halfway ffs! Also lower nnupper claudication in both legs … Thanks diabetes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yours I know is a lot worse than that, so I appreciate a little what knee pain is.

I really do hope they sort this. The MOST important, is the correct rest and when given the exercises. … Mind non impact exercise generally won’t do any harm (when you’re allowed to).

Can you go back early on LIGHT DUTIES? IE office work, or supervisory

I was cleared for sedentary duty, meaning sit down only. But the problem is i cant drive and i live almost an hour from work, no trains or buses where i live so im S.O.L. i just hope that my disability gets approved even if its just until i can drive again, so i can get to work

Nope… never… I’ve entered so many times I need to win soon lol

You love those period dots don’t you? :laughing::rofl::rofl:

Here in the UK, we have ACCESS TO WORK. A gov organisation, that does what it can to keep you in work. So in your case, pay for taxi back n forth to work until your passed to drive again.

Not sure if anything like that exists … even if through insurance or SSI?

Ps what state n city r u in?

I know it’s a problem with health and work, may be if the employer agrees and the work you do has option for remote work, and you are able to do the work over remotely - try to get Remote / Work from home, many companies are flexible and agree to these requests for situations like your.

We don’t have anything like that at all…

I work at The Home Depot doing freight overnight, but even if i went dayside theres nothing i could do sitting down.

@MacBlank unfortunately i still live too far. Im in North Carolina

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Ah ok, was just an idea.

Mind if here is anything to go by, you’d be fit again by the time they actually did anything!

I’m guessing no one lives close to share a ride, or friends family etc?

Do you have much holiday saved? Could you drive an automatic? Or no driving full stop?

Yea no one willing to drive that far. And i cant drive because from the way i understand it, is the partially torn tendon strains too much to work the gas/brake pedal. Which puts me in a world of pain so i cant drive, but i drive a Manual so driving is out. If i ha an automatic i would drive to work, but thres nothing there i could do sitting down. I have 36 vacation hours saved and 8 sick hours, but i couldnt use them as im technically not in the work system due to the Leave Of Absence


Fingers crossed for insurance it is then :pray::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

Those things can be done by invasive micro surgery normally.
Should be not a big problem, if it is made by a skilled surgeon.
Good luck my friend.