Power Series vs Power + Series

Until recently, it seemed like Anker always put the more premium of the two lineups first priority. However, now it seems like they’re being treated differently. Allow me to provide a couple of examples.

1.) More New PowerCores are coming out that PowerCore+s… And with newer technologies first.
2.) Anker has actually reordered the power banks on their website. They used to have PowerCore+ at the top, followed by PowerCore, but not they’ve swapped the 2.
3.) It isn’t just in power banks. Note the new PowerLine II cables, the PowerDrive 2 Elite, and new PowerPort wall chargers rather than PowerPort+.

Well, what do you guys think. I’d love to hear your opinions. Do you also think that Anker is working harder on releasing new Power products compared to Power + ones? Let me know!