New Anker: Fully Charged

yeah its done for a veterans ticket site. You earn additional coins for reviewing or posting a picture from event.

maybe anker will clarify

It’s the chance of something for free. Your options are to bid, high or low, or not bid.

You can either save up your bucks for eventually see an item you want, or bid often and gift what you don’t want.

Given it’s all free stuff, you’re never out of pocket.


So can I have a registered in USA account and use a UK delivery address?

Will your chance in winning be a function of your account country?

I get the fact you have to ship to the countries in the offer.

Yep and i really want that car mount! I have Anker car adaptor and Anker cable now i just need the mount to make the set! :wink:

good one i utilized most of my powerbucks…What about the review draw…wasnt the winner to be announced on 24th july?

thanks dude!!

We will try to arrange some for Italian fans.:hugging:

You can see result on completed drawing page until July 29th.:grin:

Good luck my friend!:smile:

@AnkerOfficial Thank you

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It has now been posted on Facebook. let the betting begin!

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Thank you! My Friend :wink::wink:

This is a great way to get people involved and great incentive to keep them involved. Thank you Anker you truly are a great company with some of the best products on the market.

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I wanna win this

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yeah, let’s have hundreds of bidders with their free bucks from a few “I love Anker” one liner posts, to then make our chances nearly nil.

But given the bucks were given to us for free, there is no real argument here.


Great Idea with PowerDraw!

Well seeing as Anker has made a reason to post one-liners, I’m adding my own.

This forum is now going to become diluted by just “me too” comments so making it harder to find quality. Is there a way to ignore members who are doing this just to earn bucks? I am able to spot them, they will have a message history of numpty comments.

Oops I didn’t do one liner.


What does this mean?

And t-shirts too?