Nebula Capsule as Wifi hotspot

Recently bought a Nebula Capsule and loving it but I think it is missing a useful trick. If you could set the thing to be a wifi hotspot by itself so that the streaming devices can connect to it without needing an external wifi network would make using this device portably much much easier.

I have a tablet I want to stream to the device but when out and about I have to hotspot my phone to let the tablet and the Capsule see each other if there is no wifi network handy.

Or can we already do that with the software and I have just missed it?


That’s interesting, so it can be used as an extender?
Can you say anything about the sensitivity?

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No, I am saying it can’t do that. It seems sensible to me that it should be able to put into a mode where it provides a local WiFi that just connects to it. That way you could get your tablet/phone to just connect to that network for screen sharing, mirroring or AppleTV type stuff.

As I say at the moment I have to kick my phone into providing a hotspot, connect the capsule and tablet to that to make this work when out away from any WiFi networks.

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Okay so I have been playing with some hotspot apps. They can create a wifi network on the device, so the hardware is definitely capable. However they don’t seem to do the IP routing in the right way for the device itself to see the traffic - they all are geared for applications reaching through the device to the net at large.

So it looks like we would need Anker to add this at their end.