Linus Tech Tips discusses charging, fast charging and namedrops Anker!

Linus Tech Tips discusses charging, fast charging and namedrops Anker!

Linus says use fast charging, don’t overcharge your phone and try to keep it between 25% and 80% to maintain lifespan of the device.
Then again, he is saying this with people who want to hold on to 3 or 4 or 5 years, that’s certainly not me!

Charging myths - Fact , fiction or fantasy? What do you think?

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Charging tips are facts, also expressed and talked about here


Good topic!
I’d like to hear more voice from your guys!


I like fast charging and don’t really care about replacing battery after 1-2 years but the problem today is that more and more phones have non user replaceable batteries. Even in Android ecosystem. You can always do disassembly yourself but then you lose warranty but then again if manufacturer said phone supports quick charge it’s not your fault if battery malfunctions during the warranty period because you used quick charge so they should replace it themselves.


I watch his videos all the time. They’re always so informative! :smiley:


Last Tuesday I saw the Anker name twice mentioned in a New York times article about traveling

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What product you saw on the traveling article?:blush:

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I have seen a few articles, but most were about anker headphones. Not the newer models but the older ones, and 1 article mentioned the wireless charging pads

Wow I never knew that I kill my phone battery every night!

This article a week ago today (Tuesday).


great charging info thank you for sharing.

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I usually only charge my phone overnight if it’s less than 20%. I’m quite happy to top-up during the day as and when I can because I’m usually at home, work or with a power pack.
It’s only if I’m going somewhere where I’ll need a full charg day that I’ll give it a full recharge.

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