Its coming.... the new wakey

If this is true, its getting more weird the way the testers are chosen.:confused:


@jinksed, If you were chosen to beta test this then you are in violation of your NDA that you had to sign in order to test this. You are not suppose to disclose you are testing this, as the product has not been released yet. Further more disclosing this can also get you prevented from future beta test

@AnkerOfficial @AnkerTechnical @AnkerSupport y’all might want to look into this


I have said it and so have others that beta testers are chosen via email, so what is weird about that? It’s the same way they have been doing it for the past few years, the only difference now is that they utilize some power users as well.

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@Tank I think this is a hoax. Dude only has 1 post since 2016 and that probably is his/her only post. Like I said it is way to early for an April Fools Day joke!

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Regardless how many post he has, many people were part of the power user program that never posted here so you can’t base in post alone


Was just about to post the same :ok_hand:

Based on the last item I got to beta test…the whole process seemed weird as they were wanting a grading of 1-5 on set questions…not so much reviewing as to what you think was good, bad or could be improved…maybe they changed it though in the last 18 months or so…

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I cant wait for them to come out with this and dude if youre testing it you cant talk about it because of your NDA. You have to be careful with things like that

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Smart to screen shot part of me wants it to be in navy but another part doesn’t want him to be breaking his NDA

Would they really choose someone with no posts to beta?

Guess @Jinksed was too excited and wanted let others know there was a navy blue color. However, he violated the terms and perhaps Anker should choose a better candidate to beta test a product next time. That’s it’s this is not a hoax of course

All y’all complaining about someone who gets to beta but never post, you do realize there are a ton of influencer members out there who help get the name and brand known and are not part if this community also it’s not a requirement for people to be part of this community, for us it’s an added perk. Yes I know it may not seem fair to those dedicated here but that’s how it is


That gives an idea how beta testers are chosen. Good to know!

@Jinksed Thanks for being our beta tester, I understand you may be too excited to participant it so as to neglect the NDA rules.

All your relevant comments have been removed by the admin team, please do not disclose further more information, thank you for your understanding.


Awwwww! You even removed my post. Its okay though because I understand!

So it would seem…though perhaps it maybe a lesson in choosing going forward…

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Yes it would seem so.

Kinda wish Anker would focus beta testers on those that do the “we love testing” events. Winners there know many rules and abide by them for the most part. Randoms who never participate much are hard to guage how well they ll follow an NDA.

Just throwing it out there but I’d never neglect the NDA rules… just saying @AnkerTechnical :innocent:


That wouldn’t be fair to those that apply but don’t win, such as myself.

I apply for relevant “we love testing”, but not lucky often. To not chose someone who isnt ucky on there, would be wrong.

Can’t wait!!!