Introducing Roav Chainsaw!

Perhaps I will be :sunglasses:

Yes, you can put this chainsaw in your trunk.

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Nice…I like it :slight_smile:

:wink::open_mouth: Impressive. Don’t get too overzealous Anker

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I had to make sure today wasn’t April’s fools lol

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Now we have a cord cutting tool?


Such one will be introduced next 1. April by ANKER.
But it will cut only non ANKER products.:grin:

Is this a late April fools joke

Wow, I did not expect so many people to question whether this is an April Fools’ Joke! To put it simply, this is 100% legitimate.

Is this not? People chainsaw cars all the time!


Too many jokes around the last time.

@tiagomota I think roav May be going into this area-ish. The pressure washer is a good example. Just outdoor tools type of stuff. I wouldn’t surprised to see some more stuff like this :grin:

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What next, Roav cars, Roav bikes, Roav skateboards, Roav drones…?

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I don’t think so :grin:.

I’m expecting perhaps a weed eater. Maybe a handheld leaf blower. Perhaps if roav is super ambitious, we might even see a robot mower! Who knows what roav has in store (other than roav employees :grin:)

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Good point. However they usually use a bigger more power model

Roav “razer” style scooter could be a win. Kids still love those and they would be decent for moving around like a segway in packed cities I would think.

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Yea that would be a great product for sure. Would buy one of those myself

You mean electric? They are popular with commuters, tourists. Most people seem to go with renting them around here as then don’t have to carry them indoors, just dump them on the street for the next customer.

I tried owning an electric bike but I gave up with them, not perfect. I do own an electric skateboard but probably giving up on that as its too scary :smiling_imp: , I did think of electric scooter but when I looked at the cost for the number of times I’d use one its better to rent.

I only bike, walk, train myself, with the odd bit of taxi and it saves me a lot of $$$

And back to the point - items you use seldom are better rented than bought. An electric chainsaw, you’d have to be a person who uses one many times a year to justify buying one, usually trade favours with someone else, borrow one for infrequent use.

Great point there. Renting a scooter is better than owning because of convenience. And owning should be out of equation unless you’ll use them a lot to offset the buying cost. If you spend like $5 each day for 5 days a week for maybe 40 weeks a year, you would be better off buying a scooter.

I thought about buying an electric skateboard since they are easier to use than a real skateboard (since I don’t know how to ride very well) but they are still scarier than a bike or scooter :joy:

The only skateboard I have been on is my electric one, so I learned to ride on it. I fell off a lot for first week-ish then never fell off since, the scary part is you need perfect conditions and perfect reaction times, bearing in mind they can do 20mph so its a quite a lot of perfection needed. Scooters are easier as bigger wheels which forgive bad surfaces and you can steer and balance independently. I do have a non-electric scooter I use.

But I mostly am human powered, mostly biking. Today I was biking and passed some German tourists who were in trouble, and I know just enough German to help out and they wanted to pay me some cash for helping. Tosh. We help because we want to help! They had banged their shoulder and I know basic medical tests, nothing broken, and the bike was in a bad shape but here comes…

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