Headphone Survey | Take Part and Win

C is classy with the matte black overall yet sharp shine surface on the ears - which is a great backdrop for the name. Also like the subtle/blend inset of the “Anker” on the band.

Or wireless charging? With the powerpads that can accommodate wireless watch charging, why not a similar headphone stand to store/charge wireless headphones?

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They all look great, but there’s something extra special about an all-black finish (option c) that just looks awesome. I’d totally buy those :heart_eyes: #HomeOfficeSwag

For me A, B, and C were very close. They all look a lot like Life 2 but I think B too the edge because its darker than A and doesn’t have that shiny metallic effect on earcup.

C looks premium but I like the matt look in A and B


I like the clean look of B.

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I like the look of b but would buy c as well

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Honestly I like them all :+1:t2:

C got my vote as I like the shiny bits :yum:

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Soundcore Sports Air may have wireless charging (no proof or inside info just a hunch) :thinking:

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I like c the most, because it is the sleekest and most modern.

I like option C, the sleek metal ends remind me of old school vinyl records… Which I just happen to be listening to right now

Style C for me.
I like the 1 colour approach (Black) compared to the multi colour (black and silver)
I especially like the brushed steel end caps and the reflection / Styling.


C, Gotta go with the sleek black headphone look.

I chose C because I think they would be most popular but I loved D looked kinda retro and liked the details

I kinda like the shiny black so style c

I love them all, but C looks the coolest.

I went with C and it looks like a lot of us did too :+1:

B for me. I like the all black look. More unobtrusive looking than those with silver.


Less shiny

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C for me.

I love black tech and the minimalistic look. Glad you’re making quality, over the ear headphones. That is the true way of reproducing full range sound in a headphone :headphones:

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