Happy 2nd Birthday, Community | Surprises Inside!

#Happy 2nd birthday!

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Darn missed it. That’s what I get for being at work.

What did you miss? What am I missing. Sorry I’m new to this whole forum thing?

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The contest is sort of a secret. If you read above all we know is you have to try to land on a number with the number 2 in it and share this post in Facebook and Twitter And post the screen shot here and hope you land on a 2! Good luck!!

Like This #Happy 2nd #Anker anniversary!

ohhhhh noooo!!! what did I just miss? Why on number #2??? soooo confused

Read above. The very top

happy second anniversary

Happy second anniversary

Happy 2nd anniversary

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Ha ha ha!! I should have known… my bad guys/gals…

You get up to 40 tries to land on a number with “2” in it. Just post like I did


Thank You Anker for caring and being so supportive of your community, it is amazing it’s been 2 years already, crazy! A huge shout out to the community too, you have helped me with Anker questions and issues and you’ve been superstars too making this place.

#HappyBirthdayCommunity :raised_hands:

I just want to say good luck everyone.

As far as this community goes, it’s more like a family that keeps on expanding.

When I actually started posting here, no one questioned who I was and only wlecomed me with open arms. I even had a few members message me asking that I stick around. We have come a long way since then, sometimes we bump heads and other times were all in agreement. But one thing for sure, we all may have never know each other had it not been for this community. The amount of knowledge and information shared is beyond great, we all learn and evolve off one a other which enables us to further help others .

So for now, I give a shout-out to those who I remember and praise as they offer great knowledge and insight as well as helping this play be what it is…if I forget your name then my apologies.
@nigelhealy, @joshuad11, @ndalby, @TechnicallyWell, @Jesse_Hernandez1, @amangons, @AnkerOfficial, @Oggyboy, @tiagomota thank you all for all that you do to help



Yeah, at the end of the day were all here to help each other… Even me!

It’s been (for me) a quick year, and it’s fun. It’s nice also to have subjects that aren’t just tech … Watch nerds, what was your weekend to name a couple.

Be careful though, cos if your comment can be took the piss out of, I’ll do it! Always with humour at heart tho, even if it goes over your heads! lol


Good luck to everyone. And thank you for Anker for bringing us event! :smile:

happy anniversary. These are my last

And this one. Hahaha


Wait is the competition still going on?