Give Your RoboVac A Name

I was very uncreative.

I named mine Robot

Eufy (had to stick with the original name for the first one :slight_smile:) she works on the 9th floor
Teufy (too-fee) he works on the 8th floor

They both suck at their jobs and I love them for it!

Mines called robovacs called Cinderella, as it’s left cleaning the house whilst I go out

I called my RoboVac ( Bumblebee ) :laughing:

Ours is Hank the Tank! I wanted a puppy named Hank and my husband said no so I got a vacuum. :sweat_smile:

We’ve had several: Eufy Sr, Eufy Jr., Eufy III, and our L35 Hybrid is Ms. Lucy. When we upgrade we usually pass the older model to one of our adult kiddos. This time we’re in a 2 story home so Eufy III was promoted to upper floor management and Ms Lucy manages the 1st floor.

“DarkStar II.” It holds up better than Tom Cruise’s jet.

Named ours Rosie after the robot maid from the Jetsons cartoon.

We named ours Thing 1 and Thing 2 (downstairs and upstairs eufys) after the Cat in the Hat characters

We named our Phil. No particular reason, we just thought it suited him! :blush:

Mine started as Eu-FiFi but over the months has been shortened to just “Fi-Fi”. Can’t live without her!!!

Mine is Amelia Bedelia. She looks clumsy by bumping into everything while cleaning.

My 9 yr old niece named ours Luna. I can’t even delve into her magnificent little brain to figure out why but she has been self appointed to the position of “official court namer of all things living and non-living” soooo…Luna it is!

I named it Kawaii. So cute. LoL

I named ours Mrs. Doubtfire. Eufygenia Doubtfire!!!

Ours is SallySucker :grimacing::rofl:

We call ours Winston Wolf - the cleaner from Pulp Fiction (Winston for short) as it has to deal with all sorts of mess at all hours of the day/night and we love him :heart_eyes::face_with_hand_over_mouth::heart:

Our Eufy is named Mrs. Doubtfire. The character’s name is Euphegenia Doubtfire. I thought is was appropriate.

We have two vacuums. The first one we named Dustin. The second one we named Taylor Swiffer.