step backwards
Unfortunately, I just had to notice that @AnkerSupport @AnkerTechnical took back a very senseful change from one of the last updates!
- In the first months, since some weeks ago, it was standard that if you start a live stream, the mic is disabled by default - and you need to waste time and “clicks” to turn the sound on - every single time - very annyoing!
- After pointing it out to eufy some time ago, telling them it would make much more sense that the mic is ENABLED by default instead of DISABLED, if starting a live stream, they changed it!
- Now, after this above mentioned update, they undo! Now i need to enable the sound every time again when i start a live stream - extremely annyoing! (and then not even mentioned this step backwards in the “changelog”)
@AnkerSupport @AnkerTechnical
Would you be so nice and explain to us why you made this step backwards and took back a senseful change which has been made some time ago?! And where is the problem to let US CUSTOMER decide if we want the sound enabled or disabled when starting a live stream?!
Just add an option, preferably for like everthing, and let the customer decide and config their cams like they want and need it. No matter if sound type, alarm length, watermark, mic enabled/disabled, and many more. Why is that so hard to understand for you?!
As more free and flexible the configuration and settings are, as closer you will be to a perfect security cam and as more praise you will earn.
I am curious about the answer … probably, hopefully, just a mistake by an employee (like the watermark gate) and it will be fixed again with the next update … in a couple of months.
Sorry, sarcasm.