Displaying camera feed to Google display too slow to be usable

When you request a live camera feed on the Google Home Hub (Nest Hub) and/or Chromecast it takes up to 25-30 seconds to display (not including issuing the command).

This needs to be much faster to be useful as a security measure. Is there some way this can be sped up?

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Why are you complaining about a google issue here?

Are you trying to show Eufy camera feed on Google video display / Chromecast ?

This was posted in the Eufy forum, so I think it’s safe to assume the issue is with displaying the Eufy camera feed on the Google Nest Hub. :wink:

John, unfortunately I don’t have an answer, but if it’s any consolation: my Arlo cameras take a long time to load on the Google Nest Hub as well.


eventually, Eufy / Google engineers need to discuss on where is the delay and whats causing it… and these things hardly have an eta unless there is a huge business case

Yes. I know.

This is my point, the issue isn’t with eufy, it’s with google.

Hi Ryan, thanks for your response. I suspect that the primary reason for the delay is that the Eufy (and Arlo) go through hubs to access their cameras. Direct IP cameras like Nest etc don’t seem to have this problem.

Eufy advertise this as a feature of their integration so I think it is reasonable to assume it would function in a manner fit for purpose. If this is not possible (eg. because the delays are caused by the hub) then there should be caveats in the way it is promoted by Eufy.

I agree that any hope of improvement probably lies with Google and Eufy working together.

I know this was a year ago, but I was wondering if there had been any progress?
I have tried several brands of cameras and they all seem to have a 10 to 15 second delay when casting so I was wondering if a solution had been found on this particular forum or if this truly is a Google issue

No it is useless if it even manages to connect (pressing Play/Pause can get it to work iof its the White eufy loading screen), my Nest Hello loads near instantly and does not disconnect all the time.

Then there is the lag, I can come in from garder and see myself still outside on the screen.