Did rank have relationship with trust level?

This is a great thread, good information for people who want to get more involved and how the system works.


Now where we a talking about trust levels. How can I get badges?

I was gonna ask about badges but did a search and say where @ndalby asked about badges and it seems it’s been put on the back burner unless they decide to start issuing them again

Ah okay, thank you for the response. I just was curious because someone had a badge “most likes on Thanksgiving 2016”.

The badges were to do with the Thanksgiving contest. Power users also have a badge. I’m not aware of any others.

Trust level was related to rank, but then the admins realised we had access to do stuff we shouldn’t so nearly everyone was reverted back to basic users.

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The most likes, frequent poster, most knowledgeable, most reviewed…these kind of badges would be cool among others.
So far I have only seen the power user and most likes badge

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Forgot about that :smile: , in a nut shell that’s pretty much the reasons behind the basic…

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Chances are badges will make an appearance again in the future, at the moment though it seems they have their hands full with the stream of giveaways, competitions and expanding of the community…


But is it really important for Anker to expand their community? I would like to get more information about how many employees Anker has.

The badge for every community members will be updated before February next year.


Your idea is pretty good! I will consider it!


You can guess!:smile:

Okay, obviously it is. Can you give us some statistics about anker like how many employees and how many feet of cable was sold ect…

I think some fun statistics would be really interesting.

Hahaha, I can’t…:joy:

wonderful, thank you very much~

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Just broke 7000 experience points😎


Gratz, it’s gone be party time

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