Cheap Vacuum Cleaners on Sale!

They are crunchy and have a custard like texture. Basically like a chip covered custard ball. :yum: they taste of what the seasoning is though not gamey as some may think. More spidery if anything.

No just bleached. No one has teeth that white, naturally speaking.

is that why spiders tend to live so long, they taste so bad?

Obviously it is more organic and green to not buy vacuum cleaners and just let spiders do their bit.

I guess you don’t have to worry about cleaning when you’re in the hospital, whether it be from a bite or a panic attack.

Or spiders hatching babies in a human hosts leg… yeah that was a real call I had before. And boy did I not believe it till I saw it with my own two eyes. :fearful:

My friend had a spider lay eggs in his head, he kept complaining about hearing scratching noises and when the doctor saw a lump on n has head moving he cut it open and a bunch of baby spiders poured out

I just have to wonder what their living conditions are and how they just do not realize this. This person I speak of was a transient woman living in a tent and they let their leg get so bad it was completely dead and had a family of spiders in it. Hows that for a halloween costume. :scream:

They would be good without spending a fortune for other Brands that are available. Even if reviewed critically, any shortcomings (if there are) can be easily overlooked for the price you pay for these.

I expect they left it clean.

Spiders probably living off maggots.

So you got a few different problems, so someone gets bacteria, it happens, usually a weak immune system, sometimes bad circulation. In olden times you’d die or have it cut off amputation, then antibiotics but they are getting less effective so now organically grown maggots which then eat the dead flesh.

Spiders eat the maggots.


The issue with those wanting vacuum cleaners is a lack of knowledge of life on this planet. Humans evolved in a chain of life going to after bacteria and viruses and so we co-evolved. Humans evolved to live in dirt. If you take humans too far from dirt the immune response goes awry and that leads to autoimmune issues like allergies.

Mite, spiders and other life we have co-evolved with since before modern times. The notion of being scared of a tiny wee lifeform who is more scared of you than you of it is a modern phenomena, possibly started by those wanting to sell “clean”.

Bear in mind that antibiotics is actually mold - so from dirt.

It matters more you eat fruit and veg and get exercise outdoors in sunshine than it does you have a clean home.

My friend has a very weak immune system and was always sick so it was very easy for it to be overlooked. Thankfully like Nigel mentioned the spiders did leave the are very clean

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I hate the spider`s, omg!! they are horrible!
I generally have two vacuum cleaners with one I clean the corners on the ceiling, the second robot vacuum cleaner removes everything else

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