Best products for under $20.00

Hey, guys I just got all As on my report card. My parents said I can pick something $20 or below. Any suggestions on the best things I can get for that price point. I don’t need powercores, I already have 3 of them.


If you need a charging brick, you can’t go wrong with this one

For that price range you can mostly get cables or charging bricks


I’d say save it up for a couple more report cards and snag some Soundcore headphones :sunglasses:


Yah that sounds like a good idea.

Well done on straight A’s @matthewdmorais
As for what you should spend your money on, thats a tough call. What do you need?

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I don’t really know. I have enough powercores and powerbricks. So maybe I will just go with what @apsavarese said. Maybe I will get the life P2 earbuds.

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I like the way @apsavarese is thinking! Definitely bank the money in order to get a good pair of headphones from Soundcore.

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