Annual Mystery Prize Box Speculation Thread

Ah thats cool…your like 3 hours from me, im near Smithfield

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If only there was someone who can find deals on here :tongue:

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Nice, if you ever come to Charlotte and have time to kill let me know :+1::sunglasses:

:eyes:if only @k_pug2003 :eyes:

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I was in Charlotte a few weeks ago, but I didn’t remember that you lived near there. Opportunity lost.

Your wish is our command… here is the deal you are looking for :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Oh man. Next time let me know (if you want to, of course) :+1:

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Wow the package came today and thought it had been a mistake even got scared to the point that I called Anker support to make sure there wasn’t a mistake that shipped it to me instead of someone else. My whole family tried to convince me that I couldn’t have won and that things are never free in life. So happy for the gift thanks Anker!! Here’s to another great year!!


A handy gift
An unnecessary gift
A missing gift… Bright orange with a strap to hang anywhere

Not wanting to sound ungrateful Louise (@AnkerOfficial) but is there something missing ? Potentially bright orange, and often referred to as a religious painting‽ … Refering to the speculative list above

Updated thought…
Main gift won’t get used until the summer, where it’ll come in very handy I’ll write something about it then.

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Congrats @ktkundy :muscle:t2::+1:t2:

Thanks thanks made my day and perfect timing since I go back to school soon


Hey congrats!!

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It’s 15 people now lol

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Battery pack is perfect for school. Is it high school or a university?

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Can’t get that pack in UK :man_shrugging:t2:

Ideally looking for smaller cables for use in the car. But if price is right then I’d buy longer.

missed the fact you are in UK :frowning:

Hope it is useful to US folks!

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missed the fact you are in UK :frowning:

Hope it is useful to US folks!

University so it helps me get through my long days of classes

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University so it helps me get through my long days of classes

These predictions almost confirm @Insider has some cameras installed at Anker Facility :joy::joy::joy:

Thats why he’s the @Insider :male_detective: