Anker’s subreddit

So Anker started their own subreddit. I have been using Reddit a lot recently for a different forum but I have been a part of Anker’s for a while. I just started checking in on it again, there is so much going on here it’s almost pointless, but people use it. Most of the people seem to be first time Anker customers or people who just don’t know the ins and outs of the tech nowadays. I went on and answered as many questions as possible but overall suggested they just come here. Anyone else go on the sub? I get the point of Anker being on multiple social media sites, but this forum is by far more knowledgeable and I guess you would say trustworthy, than FB or reddit. How do we help these people?


Critical mass. You need enough individuals to care in any forum to keep it going.

There are some names common betwix hither and thither.

Last name for example looks familiar.

My advice is to not have personal opinions about which social platform is best as, by definition, the group decides it.


Some people will choose Reddit as they may already have a Reddit login and don’t want to register for the the Anker forum. But they are always welcome here regardless! :smile:

The best is to have NO! :grin:

Sweet! Now Anker just needs physical stores in Canada :sunglasses::wink:

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If there isn’t more admin interaction in the near future, I think we need to have a pinned post with a link to this Community and Anker’s support contact info…


Very much so. I frequent reddit on a daily basis and am subbed, but it is very lax compared to other subs. If there was more push to the community, I think it would be a big help, but also vice versa. If more community members used it, it would help it grow, which in the end would draw more to it.

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I prefer here. I use to use Reddit but I have way to many accounts and stuff going to look at Reddit.

this guy gets it, while yea you might see those names, no one interacts with the people.

this is why I stopped going there to even try and help anyone

That’s what happens when the social media aspect gets as fragmented as the product line up…with only a finite amount of bodies covering support aspects, there’s gonna be a drop somewhere…


@Corwin_Davis_Khoe That right there would be awesome if they had physical stores. One in San Diego… maybe. Wonder how it would work out with discounts and stuff since they would have to pay for the location plus wages etc… Maybe won’t receive a good discount, webstore or Amazon still the best choice for now. Gotta keep them prices better than competitive.

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Good last point. Staying competitive is important :clap::raised_hands:

Retail in shops is in decline, I know Anker opened two “shops” (small booth type) one in San Jose area and one in Seattle area, as experiments. Wonder how well they did?

Personally I think the idea of gadget stores is not going to work, shoppers in shops tend to be female dominated (as they are superior beings who are mostly socialising with friends), gadgets tend to be male dominated (who are inferior and stay home looking at screens). I use the word tend, not saying all / exclusive.

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