Anker Community Profile - Hidden / Open-Public Profile for Auction Events!

I have suffered this multiple times during auction… Somehow still managed to win the auction… May be because the inflaters could not see my power bucks

Of course, those with the most bucks who want to win will win.

Inflators just cause you to win at the cost of more bucks.

It is bad sport to:

  • hide profile
  • burner over-bidding accounts.

For a game such as Auction, it is meant to have your assets a mystery / suspense, hiding Powerbucks value only facilitates it, overall makes Auction fun!

If people consider it a bad sport, then why have the Auction event in the first place, why not simply scrap the Auction event and simply have more items added to PowerDraws ??? This way people can win fair and square.

Keeping Powerbucks hidden gives members with low PBs a chance,… to even try at playing the Auction game.

With Powerbucks shown, it is matter of time - it immediately becomes game of members with higher PBs. Members with low PB just spectators.

Auction event can be fun with –

  1. with proper rules against over-bidding,

  2. proper checks done by @AnkerOfficial to check if people bidding have sufficient PB,

3.penalty for over bidding,

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That kinda argues against itself as it doesn’t exactly as I would say gift them a chance, as there is nothing stopping them bidding in the first place (unless they don’t have the bucks to make the bid)…which the next bidder wouldn’t know and the next, and the next etc. because the bucks can’t be seen (unless you are an admin)…

Again not really true, it becomes game of members with higher PB because they have the PB’s to make bigger bids and take the overall total higher, if they are really wanting the item…I once snagged the 7-in-1 hub for around 60PB (despite having over 4K in reserves) simply because it wasn’t overly popular…

Unfortunately, rules 1 and 3 have never really been enforced (because at the end of the day its not real money and would no doubt drain the admin resources watching the bidding frenzy) and with point 2 it relies on the ‘admins’ not being overly busy with other promotions, events etc to enforce, which as we’ve seen with past auctions has often been the case…

Having bucks unhidden would allow anyone to know if bids are valid and be able to advise on what the last valid bid would have been …taking some pressure off the admins…


No matter how you do it, as I have seen few last auctions, it became very quick that it’s only the game of the members with tons of PB’s.

Not hiding the PB’s atleast will limit the over-inflation by members that do not have enough PB’s to raise the bar.

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It seems this is going to be like most political discussions.
Relevant opinions from all involved, but rarely a conclusion.

I don’t think the over inflation argument is particularly relevant. Its the referee’s job to make sure people play clean.
As with everything else where there is something to be gained, the refereeing needs to be constant throughout the event - no other event happens and is only reviewed afterwards!

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This discussion will continue with arguments, and not reach a conclusion… But good to see good strength in number of votes!

Ankerofficial has to play the referee here for Auction events.

Whatever happens, I will continue to keep profile hidden, as much possible / allowed within the system, and continue to bid within my Powerbucks value / limit.

@Shenoy can I ask why you choose to keep your profile hidden? If its privacy your touting, well many of us follow you on social media and its not that hard to find information about a person especially when everything you do is readily available online, all someone has to do is a have a means to go snooping for it.
You got nothing to hide, then why so much secrecy?
Either way ill just let you be, we all have our reasons and for this one I say all profile bucks should be shown, even if the profile is hidden but the bucks aren’t


@Tank what I mean by privacy is only for Powerbucks…

When Ankerofficial already knows / or see how many bucks i own and eligible to bid in auctions, why should anyone else know how many PBs i hold!

All my Social media accounts are for events and contests… ( Plus won some good items so far) . Have nothing really personal on it :sweat_smile:

I really don’t understand the argument for having your account hidden. The argument sounds very illogical and counterintuitive.

All I can say is I 100% agree with @ndalby’s post above

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The auction usually runs for days and I don’t think @Ankerofficial has that much leisure time to play referee for that amount of time and watch people not to make mistakes. And once a bid is placed you will have a counter-bid within no time and it will be hard to correct any bids past few minutes, that will disrupt the whole event.

All I’m saying is referee cannot control this kind of events.


I have to say I have never got into the Auction as I tend to not to have the points due to I get sucked into the Powerdraw a lot (500 in like 3 weeks). Thus the reason why I do not play the lottery or scratch off that much in real life. :wink:

I can see the good and bad in each.

If you are talking about burner accounts and inflating the auction that is bad faith and outright greed. I have a hard enough time keeping up with the ones on each Anker/Soundcore site.

As one person may be psyching the others by adding a large amount of buck to prevent them from bidding more, it may be seen as others as inflating the auction price.

So to me it just depends on how you want to do the auction. To prevent inflation of the prize if not a mystery box, you can set a cap on the amount of bucks that the product would be in worth in “buck”. If the bids are below the cap then whomever is on top wins. If it hits the cap then everybody can bid for the item at the cap level and the winner will be selected randomly. So say a charger is 25 dollars but it is worth say 2500 in “anker bucks”. So somebody can win it at 1800 at the end of the auction or win it at 2500 with 7 other who are willing to bid 2500 for the product.with a random drawing at the cap.

Interesting idea, would kinda be like the PowerDraw with slightly better odds but at a premium…

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Setting a cap is a great idea!!

With all due respect, I would say… Destroys the fun and charm of auction…Just scrap auction And have PowerDraw!

@AnkerOfficial can your developers create an application which checks for number of Powerbucks a user has and allows the user to bid only in multiple of 10, Max 100 PB per Bid and completely stops user from bidding once he exceeds the total PB count!!!

This is doable on software, have created similar application on .Net and SQL… Needs to be explored

What are your thoughts @AnkerOfficial can you discuss with your developers / engineers?

Don’t think it as waste of time, you can use this for your other platforms such as Soundcore or Eufy Security forum

This is a logical, no Non-sense, technical response!

We will continue to disagree :slight_smile:

By the way… If members support being open and public with profiles and Powerbucks… But themselves decide to hide. What a contradictory situation!

If supporting a stance, support it 100% to the end.

By no means am i asking you to un-hide, Happy that you still have it hidden :wink:

Me and AnkerTechnical, as well as the old Ankerofficial discussed this exact thing. They said they would further explore the idea in Q3 and Q4 of 2019… it appears that it never happened.

Btw I hate the idea of a cap on bids. If someone wants to blow 5000+ bucks on a $50 Speaker that’s their business. It’s just a higher chance of you winning next time.

I love to test your patience :grinning: @Shenoy

welcome to try! I neither gain nor lose anything with you hiding or unhiding :smiley:

So be my guest!

Hope I made my point earlier :wink:

Not aware of that discussion, may it was private or i may have forgotten.

Anyway, with new @AnkerOfficial admin now, may be something to check and explore.