Anker Auction House | Soundcore Icon Mini

Normally automatic as soon as you hit the mark…not exactly like the PowerDraw :wink:

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Nope. logged out. I’m stuck. I’m sure it will come around soon. I was definitely within striking distance this morning and within the daily max.

I think I was 70 points away at the beginning of today.

As @professor said you may have hit your daily max
it will be automatic tomorrow :slight_smile:

Yea you most likely hit the daily max. When I tried to reach 7, I saw that the max is for 24 hours not day-to-day

@ndalby is that true? I have that same feeling, may not be true but curious :worried:

There are some answers on this old thread - we should move this conversation over there :wink:


Will be worth the wait :muscle:t2:

Once you get to double digits you will unlock a new perspective on the forum. You will become wise and sensible (well that’s what I’m hoping happens with me) :joy:

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Bid still at 1410, with @gankster in the lead :smiling_imp:


You got this I’m not even gonna challenge

You bid 47pb to the USD… That’s a lot…

There’s no currency exchange rate unfortunately. I think pb are there to get you want you want if you can get it. So I’m going for it!


Great answer :clap:

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I think it’s just whatever you place the exchange rate at… I’ve placed mine at 30pb to the USD :man_shrugging:

@TechMan is making a different and a valid point.

If you buy an Anker product you pay actual money, which varies by country. You can make a rough correlation of Powerbucks to real bucks.

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One benefit to doing so is to make sure you don’t “overspend” on this auction.

I know how easy it is to pay extra in auctions :joy:

I have 3372 bucks so could win this if I wanted. I could be still outbid by a few others.

I don’t want this item, I have sooooo many similar products. I still love the Nano, it was my first small speaker

A really fast recharging 13Ah - 15Ah Powercore and a do-everything Powerport 3-4 port would get my attention.

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I’m going to buy the icon mini once I see a good deal on it. I don’t have any small speakers. Right now, the only speaker I have is the Soudncore flare. I wouldn’t mind having another speaker :man_shrugging:

If I would need that speaker I could go for it and may be win it.
But I dont.
There might be many others who would REALLY like it.

I dont want start a speaker collection.
Human beings trend to pile things.

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Yeah, I know. This just happens to be worth more to me than the currency exchange. Interesting to know you guys will cut off at about 34 pb though

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Yeah, I want a portable one. I need it to be durable, and have water resistance. This speaker is perfect for me :joy: